Reservoirs are drying up and farmers have begun to leave their land 水库逐渐干涸,农民开始背井离乡。
Credit from foreign banks is drying up 外资银行的放贷金额持续萎缩,面临枯竭。
The pond is drying up. 池塘快干了。
But Trauner and Pitkowsky don't see HP's cash flows drying up anytime soon. 不过特劳纳和皮特考斯基并不认为惠普的现金流会在短期内干涸。
Those losses go some way in explaining why credit in some areas is drying up. 这些损失也是一些领域信贷日益枯竭的部分原因。
What we are seeing already for example in southern Brazil, which is in the wake of the river of water vapor coming from the Amazon, is already a drying up. 巴西国家亚马逊研究所的安东尼奥诺布雷称:破坏性的气候循环已经初露端倪。以我们已经看到的巴西南部为例,由亚马逊的水汽形成的河流将要干涸了。
Bankruptcy, in this case, means drying up of cash flow, or flow of net profits, or dividend. 破产,在这情况,方法现金的弄干流程,或流程净利,或被除数。
But rubber trees are thirsty, reducing the water content in soil and drying up streams and wells& and deforestation to make way for rubber plantations is releasing huge amounts of carbon. 但是橡胶树需要很多水,这会减少土壤中的水,让河流与水井干涸。而砍伐森林改为橡胶种植园正在释放大量的碳。
Heating of air, suited to drying up certain powder, chemical engineering process and jet drying under certain pressure. 空气的加热,适用于一定压力下,一些粉末干燥、工过程及喷射干燥。
The Treasury Secretary said he had briefed the Chinese leadership on the US economy and the risk that the banking crisis could result in credit drying up in the real economy. 这位美国财长表示,他向中国领导层简要介绍了美国的经济状况,以及银行危机可能导致实体经济信贷枯竭的风险。
The rivers are all drying up in the hot summer. 炎热的夏日使河流不断干涸。
It was staying still for drying up the under wings stretching out them from the upper wings like shelters. 它从像壳的上翅膀下边伸下翅膀,和不动了。因为它要晒干全部的翅膀。
Order books are drying up. 订单正逐渐枯竭。
The river is drying up because there is no rain. 因为缺雨,这条河正在干涸。
Complete the unified water resources management and regulation system to yield initial results in water conservation and basically solve the problem of the drying up of some river sections; 完善水资源统一管理和调度体制,节水初见成效,基本解决黄河断流问题;
There were few signs of the rally in global equities drying up yesterday. 昨日几乎没有迹象表明,全球股市的反弹正日渐衰竭。
Researchers at the unit say climate change is to blame for rivers drying up and species migrating to new habitats, causing changes in ecosystems. 该部门的科学家说气候变化是造成河流干涸以及动物迁徙到新的栖息地的原因,这导致了生态系统的变化。
Developing countries now face falling remittances, declining export markets, a drying up of investments and shrinking tourism revenues, he said. 他说:发展中国家如今正面临汇款不断减少、出口市场日渐萎缩、投资资金枯竭和旅游收入下降的局面。
Chavez, who also holds capitalism responsible for many of the world's problems, warned that water supplies on Earth were drying up. 查韦斯坚持认为资本主义应该为世界上的许多问题负责任,警告地球上的水资源正在枯竭。
To allow the closure of the fastest growing companies is not a loss, cash flow is drying up. 让企业最快倒闭的亏损,是现金流枯竭。
At a time when deals are drying up across the region, UBS is betting that elevating Shanghai-born Mr. 在亚洲地区交易普遍干涸之际,瑞银希望晋升上海出生的蔡洪平能带来在中国市场的竞争优势。
However, a trickle has considerably more chance of drying up completely than a flow. 但是,涓涓细流与滚滚洪流相比,有更大的可能完全枯竭。
01 The deepest wells in a dwarf city are slowly drying up. 01矮人城市中最深的那口井郑渐渐枯竭。
That may do much to restore profitability to a business which has been mercilessly squeezed by requirements for higher capital ratios, at a time when wholesale funding is becoming more expensive or drying up altogether. 这对恢复银行业的盈利能力大有帮助,尤其是在批发融资的代价越来越高或者整体正在枯竭的情况下,银行业为满足更高的资本比率的要求,已承受了无情的压榨。
Now that flood is drying up, just as China looks to focus more on job-intensive service-sector growth. 现在经济正在回升,正如中国更加关注就业导向服务业增长。
At the cost of overdraft resources and damage ecology to develop economy for a long time, natural resource is drying up and ecology environment has become the stiff factor to restrain sustainable development in northeast old industrial base. 由于经济建设长期以透支资源和破坏生态为代价,东北老工业基地自然资源正逐步走向枯竭,生态环境成为制约其可持续发展的刚性因子。
With the bursting of the housing bubble, home equity is drying up. 随着房产泡沫的破裂,房屋净值正在枯竭。
But now the presumed cash flow on which those borrowings were based is drying up. 但目前,作为那些借款基础的预期现金流正逐渐枯竭。
Modern agricultural biotechnology makes great importance on some social issues such as food security, drying up of resources and environment deterioration. 现代农业生物技术在缓解全球粮食安全、资源枯竭、环境恶化等一系列重大问题中发挥了极其重要的作用。
For most of us, a bad conference experience means drying up at the microphone. 对于我们大多数人来说,一次糟糕的会议经历无非是指在话筒面前忘词。